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Helmet Paint Protection Kits

As a biker your helmet is just as important as the motorcycle itself, which is why you should care for it in just the same way. Self healing helmet paint protection kits from 3Dom Wraps are accurately created to fit each of the models available on our site and cut using the latest in computer plotter technology for the perfect finish.

PPF has been used on motorcycle helmets for some time and provides extensive protection to the surface finish both while wearing and storing the helmet, from damage such as minor scratches, stone chips and UV. More

Why helmet paint protection kits?

Keeping your helmet in top condition is not easy, they are constantly exposed to the elements and require carrying and storage that can easily lead to scrapes. PPF from Xpel is the market leading product for paint protection film and is used on some of the most valuable cars in the world due to its ability to protect and self heal.

Small sections of your helmet are more exposed than others and our template technicians have identified these to create the perfect kit for both protection and application. No prior skills is required when applying the helmet paint protection kits to a helmet, it just requires a careful hand.

What are the advantages of helmet PPF?

If you helmet is painted or features a design that you love, then PPF is the perfect way to keep it looking great. Scratches and discolouring will soon have it looking less sharp and you may end up wanting a new paint job or even a new helmet as a result, making the investment in the paint protection film an obvious choice.